Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Took it Offline (Letter #9)

Shalom Josh,

There is an internet prospective woman now, who I am talking with. Catch this- by phone. We have moved beyond the computer. A big step in the relationship, if I may say so myself. I have heard her voice. Look at the profile and listen to her voice and it feels like I am in a relationship with a one-dimensional figure. Does that sound scary? To me, it is the beginning phases of modern day courtship. 
I am not that privy to proper courting, but you would be proud of me. I have even played hard to get. I let my phone ring, and I didn't answer it.
Big plus- She has tried comedy & she might be able to be a character in a show I am producing. That means that there is a point to the date. I do not meet up with women anymore, with the goal of a relationship. A job opportunity is more likely to happen. I like to know that something positive might transpire. 
This is all if the date happens. She blew off the date for this week. I don't think she likes how my voice sounds with my profile. Maybe I need a deeper phone voice. Most women have not been a fan of my third grade sounding American male voice.
She did say she can't go out this week, which makes me feel free & lonely at the same time. If you can't go out, why are we talking? That is like ordering a falafel and not being hungry. Then asking the guy to hold the falafel for a week. I am never not hungry. Talking on the phone won't lead to a fun night. 
Is that a wrong outlook, that I am expressing? Should I just be satisfied with the phone call and play it smooth? Take it slow? Wait till she can pencil me in, in October? Wait till she breaks up with the other guys she is talking with on the phone? Get used to not answering my phone until she calls the third time, to keep the relationship fresh for the first time we meet?

I know she is cheating on me. I am sure she has phone conversations with other people.
Now that I think about it, this phone talking thing does not get me all happy. 'Ahhhh, how nice? She is thinking about me while she is out with her better plans.' That doesn't make me feel good. Even so, I am very excited about taking our relationship to the next level. At least it is off the internet. Who knows? We might even be texting soon.

What is the next step in this courtship? Is it leaving messages? I don't know if I am ready for that. I am very confused. And I am very scared of pushing her into texting too soon. I am really bad at romantic texting. I have to focus on my strengths, keeping quiet and letting her talk on the phone. I just want to be able to answer her phone call without it being a sign of dependency. 
I have been there before and that woman broke up with me because, as she said, 'You were too needy. When I called you, you answered the phone. I need a man who will not be there for me.'

Boker Or

Monday, July 20, 2015

Even if Old People Can Meet, They Judge Me (Letter #8)

Shalom Josh,

I don't meet girls randomly anymore. I had my chances for romance when I was in elementary school. Now, there are matchmakers, random people who work jobs that are not ready for me to hit on them, and then there is the internet. Community events and parties don't work for me. Women in the community talk. I have been out with a few of them. They all know about me already. No chance. Word is out and I am flawed.
It is about the mystery. And I offer very little of that. The most mysterious thing about me is that I am the guy who doesn't show up to the parties. Women are intrigued by my not being present.
I should have been more tactful about choosing which ones to go out with. Just going out because the shadchan said I had to killed my chances with any of the other women. And this was before Facebook. So I chose those blind-dates I would have been able to have nixed now. And two of those first three were women I had already met. I suck with names. With Facebook, I would have known that she was the one who thought my profession was unimportant and that I was not successful.
Now, with Facebook, the people setting me up cannot lie anymore. I know that is the woman I am not attracted to. And no matter how much they tell me I am, that 'I will only know if I give her a chance,' I know. I find it wrong that I am pushed to go out on dates with women I am not attracted to.
Am I that important that I have to give a woman a chance to prove herself to me? That is a harsh prospect for anybody. 'Prove to me that you are good looking in my eyes. Get attractive and show me your personality. Get naked with your thoughts. Shaindel insisted that I allow you that opportunity. She told me that attraction comes with time. I do not want to hurt the process, so I am not going to look at you.'

The other main way I meet is online dating. When I go on those dates, I can use the profile for conversation starters. The go to starter is, 'So, you are looking for a kind, honest and handsome man.' After the last date I went on, where the girl complained that I had opinions, I like this asking concept. The profile question technique might even be better than the open-ended one-word question technique. 
My goal has changed to just not look bad. Goal is to get in and out, without being noticed. 
I like the profile conversation starter. I should use that for every date. That is the one fact I know about all women; they are looking for somebody who is kind, honest and handsome. I have yet to have seen a profile that has not had that. They sometimes add 'tall,' so that people like myself do not message them. Making it clear that they don't like driving in hatchbacks. 
I feel it is a safe bet to ask them if it is important for a man to be honest.
That keen understanding of woman's profile did save me. I didn't know where my last date was from and I naturally went for the profile information. I have seen enough of them to be able to finesse where to go. I didn't even know if it was the right woman. But I was able to ask her, 'Why do you want a kind man?' 
It just hit me. She used the profile tactic against me. What gives? I even do research, study the profiles of many ladies before a date, and even that??? Studiousness works to my disfavor. It got back to me that she told everybody I was odd and not a giving person. They have to be used together- 'Why are you looking for a kind, honest and handsome man.' Either that, or the open-ended technique.

What gives these women the right to start spreading all this stuff about me, when I go out on one date with them? I was all positive about this dating thing, and then I think about the date I went on. I was even thinking about going for the multiple blind-dates. You saw, a paragraph ago- I was into it.
I am not talking anymore on first dates. I am just sitting there silently. Even if I do that Josh, there is a chance that she will tell everybody that I don't talk. That I am rude, and worst of all, I don't have opinions. 
If I am on mute, then I am mysterious. I am the guy who doesn't talk. I am an enigma of thought.

Questions, such as the 'looking for...' and the open-ended are going to be reserved for women on can trust. Only to be pulled out on the second date. I would remain silent all the time, but I cannot pull that for very long. Otherwise, I would keep silent all the time, and I would have a wife talking to me. But I do talk back, so I have to work with what I have and keep it limited.
Dispersal of material will help me look interested and knowledgeable. For the good ladies, who deserve it, it will allow for more dates as well. Material will run out quickly. However, if it is the right one, and I do get married to her, we are not going to want to talk anyways.  
At that point, we will try to have kids and a lot of other tasks, to keep our minds off the fact that I have no idea where she is from.

Layla Tov Achi,

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Leave The Questions Open-Ended (Letter #7)

Sholm Josh,

Leave the questions open ended & you can have multiple-date days- not that dating countless women at once or going on more than one date with any lady is suggestible. It is taking a chance. But if you live in Vegas and play the odds- it works- just hedge your women a bit. 
We know that my biggest problem is remembering stuff about these people I am dating. They think it is because I don't care. That is not fare to say. I do care. But it is hard to remember the details when I have to go out with another woman that I also care about, in a few hours.
Here is the idea:
Leave the questions open and they can't figure out that you don't know. Example- 'What's your name?' Great question- very open- she can answer with anything she wants & it shows your interest. It also can lead to conversation. Just don't use the word 'again'- not a good way to end the question. I have done that before, and she got mad. The key is to leave it vague. Don't give it away that you forgot her name in the middle of the date, unless you preface the question with, 'I am an idiot.' This is why you never use the word 'again;' it shows you forgot.
Open-ended questions are better than running. I have tried that before as well, but that girl told everybody I ran away. I find this whole talking about me thing to be rude. it is Lashon Hara (talking bad about other people), and that is forbidden. It is not like I am shallow, and it is not like she was going to offer to flip the bill. If I would have asked 'How are you going to pay for dinner?' it would have been a whole different story. It would have showed I cared.
I still don't understand why I am considered rude if I don't end up paying for her. I am not a male-chauvinist, and I feel that it is important for women to express their equality and pay for the men. And then to not be called chivalrous, because the girl couldn't open up her own door, and I had to take off. I am sorry, but I do not have all the time in the world. I think we have to redefine chivalry, and what really is considered noble. I allowed her to express herself as a female. 
If I would have left it open-ended, it would have been smooth. Instead of taking off, I could have asked, 'How are you going to find your way home?' Then I wouldn't have looked like this uncaring single loser, and she would have told the matchmaker that I am somebody who cares.

I am thinking now, my brother...Hobbies. That is a good conversation starter. Great topic.
You just can't let them know you forgot their hobbies- that shows that you didn't prep for the date by looking at their profile.
Anything that is a heading on an internet profile is a topic. One word questions is perfect: 'Hobbies?'- one right there, 'Looking for'- two words- but still works- they can fill in the 'What are you' part, 'Body-type?'- with a hyphen it is one word. The idea is that the less I say, the less chance I have of looking like an idiot. And the one word thing makes it even more open-ended. 
Should I add the word 'favorite'? They do like talking about that on the internet.
What you think about it? If I leave the questions open-ended, with an open-beginning as well, I won't be saying anything and I can just stare at her- waiting for an answer. I can come out looking decent. And then I can go on a second date and ask her what she wants in a relationship. They ask that on the internet profile as well. That would be my second date question. 

Shavua Tov,

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Too Many Women- Too Much Information (Letter #6)

Shalom Josh,

It is all pointless my man.
I have been out with so many women recently, I have to go through a pre-date flow chart to figure out which one I am with. There is nothing more uncomfortable than asking the same questions and having the same conversation again, with the same girl. It generally happens in the middle of the date, where I realize that she is the one I dated before. 
It is even difficult having to figure out which one I am going out with at the time. I can't remember the information. This is why I do not go on second dates anymore. It has nothing to do with not giving a chance to the girl, who I am not attracted to. I am not that shallow. 
On a first date, I am forgiven for the lack of knowledge and care given to the specific woman. Specifics, those are the problems. These ladies think that if you remember stuff about them, then you care. So I don't remember what you do for a living, that you have siblings, that you are vegetarian. How is this offensive?
I have to date though. People are getting mad at me for saying 'no' to match ideas, so I have learned to just say 'yes.' It is easier to let down a girl than a matchmaker.
I am getting set up by people who can care less about the detail, and then I end up not remembering the girl's name. And then the matchmaker says to me that I am the one who doesn't care. I can put them in categories, but I still have to know if she is the one from Jerusalem or Kfar Saba. If I could have just remembered that, it would have been a great date. I had no conversation go to. At least, if I remembered she was from Katamon, I would have had a conversation starter. I would have at least known where to pick her up.
I even cleaned the car for this date. But she says I do not care.
It is getting confusing Josh. They expect too much.
I know you think I am a player. It is these shadchanim. These matchmakers are all over me.

Enjoy Your Marriage,