Thursday, August 7, 2014

Save the Internet Date so you Don't Have to Retype (Letter #4)

Shalom Josh, 
I wrote this letter twice. The server crashed. Now I am dealing with a crisis. It is a nightmare and probably the biggest problem I will ever encounter. A server crashes and I did not save, that is a killed day. Being alone is nothing. Being alone and having to redo the work I have already done- that is what makes life unbearable. Having to rewrite a letter to you, is unbearable. 
Now that I think about it: A blind-date is kind of like a server that crashed when I didn't save the project. I lost the one before. Now I have to redo the whole thing over again. I have to remember the best parts, so that it comes out just as good as the first time. So that at least there are some good parts, like the time I paid for the girl who had another guy pick her up. I hope she said 'thank you' to him.  No matter what, it is very frustrating, knowing that I have to redo something I already wasted so much time on.
I am still taking it slow with that girl from the party. I haven't heard from her since. I think I am playing the game right.
I am sitting in a coffee shop with many ladies right now, rewriting this letter. Do not worry Josh, I am focused on the computer. This way, the general lady populace of the cafe will know that I am serious and not available for conversation. Not being available is a turn on to the average lady. I think this is a good move. They will know I am working and waiting for a special lady to pop up, on the screen. 
I just saw one guy who was happy- he's with a woman- maybe they're not married- but he's happy. Maybe he has a personality and is good at talking to women he meets. He probably has no internet game.
It is kind of frustrating, knowing that all of these women are alone and waiting to meet somebody. It is frustrating knowing I cannot go over, because their husband will be showing up. Wedding rings are a big turnoff. If any woman wants to know, I usually don't go for women with wedding rings.
I am sitting in a coffee shop right now, surrounded by beautiful women and I am writing to you. I am writing to you and focused on my internet prospects. I should hope that these hot single women all meet very interesting men on the internet. 
If I am lucky, maybe I will come across one of them on that Gan Eden site. The biggest problem I am having on this site is that you can't contact the other person. We both have to be signed up with paid memberships. I will not pay for a membership, as I believe it is important for the woman to know what she is getting into. Another problem with the paid membership thing is that I would never go out with somebody who is so pathetic to care enough to meet somebody. I would only go out with the unpaid users, who use it to check out people, every day. I know 'every day,' because their status says they were on it, every day. Point is, if I see her on Gan Eden, then I see her in the cafe, if she looks at my profile at that moment, I can go over to her and neither of us has to pay for the membership. And we can forgo the awkwardness of meeting online and then corresponding before we meet, so that she can feel comfortable meeting me.
Once college finished, my chances for meeting a special lady stopped. I am not in any public situation which breeds healthy conversation on a regular day to day basis. I am not in classes and I cannot ask a random lady if she wants to come back to my place and study the bus schedule. The lady at the bank is always mad at me for cashing my checks. The lady at the pharmacy knows every medical disease, of age, that I have. The lady at the synagogue has already been set up with me by every other lady at the synagogue. I can take up an activity, but then the birdwatchers will know I only did it to meet a woman.
If I just got it right the first time and saved that first girl, I would have never had to redo it.
Later Achi

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